Friday, February 25, 2011

Trouble in the Middle East means trouble in the US

Trouble in the Middle East is once again driving up gas prices.  In USA Today's editorial, Mideast oil shock threatens U.S., again , they point out that this isn't the first time this has happened and that the US has promised to free itself from foreign oil dependency for four decades.  An embargo by Arab oil companies in 1973, an Iran revolution in 1979, the Persian Gulf war in 1990 and 1991, and now violence in Libya has risen gas prices near $100.  This is true as many Americans have seen this with their own eyes as I did when i went to fill up car at $3.20 a gallon today. USA Today states the "US doesn't have nearly enough oil to feed its habit" and that foreign oil dependency has caused distasteful alliances.  In USA Today's opinion we need to expand drilling off the east coast, gulf of mexico, and alaska while noting that last years oil spill in the gulf was the first big spill in 41 years.  They want to raise taxes on gasoline help to reduce oil use and the deficit.  USA Today talks about taking advantage of new supplies of natural gas and a new generation nuclear power plants.
This article was intended for anyone who's affected by sky rocketing oil prices, which is everyone.  The author of the article isn't posted but USA Today is a well known newspaper and i would like to think that all of their employees would be well qualified to write for a substantial news source.  I don't  agree with USA Today's opinion on oil price solutions.  If drilling was expanded i think it should only be done moderately to help lower gas prices while focusing on finding new renewable energy sources.  Sound like they have "drill baby drill" on their minds. They want to raise taxes on an already inflated cost to help pay down the deficit.  Which means the people have to pay for the governments mistakes.  This is one part of economics I'll never understand.  If the public isn't making enough money to pay taxes how will raising taxes help the public. Natural gas is just another resource for us to have to rely on and I'm not sure i like the idea of more nuclear power plants.  I can only imagine what safety and health risks come along with nuclear power

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